Career Forward Workshop with Kerry-Ann Reid-Brown

Career Forward Workshop


You’re ambitious, an immigrant or from an immigrant family. And you are unapologetically Caribbean American working in Corporate America.

You’re a hard worker and you get the job done – after all you represent the Caribbean! Hard work is your middle, first and last name.


  • You feel out of place at work – you feel like you don’t fit in and no one gets you.
  • You want to take your career to the next level but not sure how.

If you’ve any of the above sounds like you – then you should definitely attend this workshop.


Workshop Takeaways

This interactive workshop will help you understand:

  1. How your Caribbean culture is your competitive advantage but can also keep you from success.
  2. Understanding cultural intelligence and why de-coding your company’s corporate culture is key.
  3. Develop strategies that will help you align and leverage your competitive advantage for success from job search to career growth.



Kerry-Ann Reid-Brown is Founder & host of Carry On Friends one of the first podcasts dedicated to the Caribbean American Experience. She is leading the way for Caribbean Podcast as the founder of Breadfruit Media, the first Caribbean podcast production company; and founder of the Caribbean Podcast Directory a place to discover podcasts by people of Caribbean Heritage.