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©2013 Reid-Brown Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reid-Brown Group, Inc. owns and operates the website All materials contained in, including but not limited to, titles, characters, names and graphics are the property of 2013 Reid-Brown Group, Inc., except materials where noted belonging to 3rd party licensers.
Which simply means don’t steal. If you want to use our stuff ask but you MUST give us the proper credit by saying it’s our stuff.
Comment Policy is an online community and we encourage commenting on blog posts. We strive to create an atmosphere that is welcoming, engaging, respectful and safe for the members of this online community. Therefore, if you choose to participate, we ask that you play a role in maintaining this atmosphere.
All comments will be reviewed, moderated and posted as long as they are on-topic, appropriate, and compliant with state and federal laws and regulations. We will not tolerate bullying of any kind, whether by direct or indirect attacks, name-calling or insults. Comments that are off-topic or contain offensive language or spam will be deleted.
Carry On Friends is not responsible for the content of comments.
Code of Conduct
We at Carry On Friends recognize that social media and content creation platforms are here to stay and is growing exponentially. Therefore it is of vital importance that while participating in creating content, whether through blogging, social media or other content forms, we commit to doing it the right way.
As a Content Creator whether written, audio, video or a general social media participant – you are an important part of the wider public knowledge creation and discussion. We know that the Internet is permanent. Once information is published online, it is essentially part of a permanent record, even if you “remove/delete” it later or attempt to make it anonymous. Therefore, the content you create today will more than likely to outlast both the content’s relevance and your own lifetime and it is of vital importance that it be a truthful representation of the topic at hand not only for those who access it today but for those who access it in the distant future. This role carries with it a responsibility to be fair, honest and respectful not only toward your fellow members of society but also toward fact.
As it pertains to the scope of Carry On Friends, the following Code of Conduct has adapted from Design Philosophy and Coca Cola ; is intended to help empower our writers to participate in this new frontier of communications and represent the brand.
The vision of Carry On Friends to achieve sustainable growth online and offline is guided by certain shared values that we live by as an organization and as individuals:
- LEADERSHIP: The courage to shape a better future;
- COLLABORATION: Leveraging our collective genius;
- INTEGRITY: Being real;
- ACCOUNTABILITY: Recognizing that if it is to be, it’s up to me;
- PASSION: Showing commitment in heart and mind;
- DIVERSITY: Being inclusive and
- QUALITY: Ensuring what we do, we do well.
The writers of Carry On Friends are exercising their First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech, Information, Publication and Expression. The best advice is to approach online worlds in the same way we do the physical one by using sound judgment and common sense, by adhering to the values, and by following the Code of Conduct.
Present your opinion as your opinion. Your opinion and interpretation of events is important and should be shared but must never be confused with hard facts or data. When voicing your own or someone else’s opinion or interpretation, always state it as such. Never present opinion, interpretation or conjecture as fact.
Always give credit where credit is due. Don’t violate others’ rights. DO NOT claim authorship of something that is not yours. Give proper attribution when using, quoting or basing your content on the work of others. In other words present quotes as quotes, link to original articles, give photo and illustration credit to the original creator etc. Do not use the copyrights, trademarks, publicity rights, or other rights of others without the necessary permissions of the rights holder(s).
Always preserve the intended meaning of a given statement. When quoting or paraphrasing a statement always ensure that the intended meaning is communicated. Never edit or change a statement in such a way that the intended meaning is changed.
Admit and correct your mistakes immediately. When an inaccuracy or error in your content is discovered by you or someone else, correct it immediately and announce that you have done so to ensure that those who base their opinions and other content creation on the incorrect information have a chance to make corrections as well. It is your duty to uphold the truth and present fact even if that means admitting you were wrong.
You are responsible for your actions. Be mindful that you are representing the Carry On Friends. Anything you post that can potentially tarnish the Blog’s image will ultimately be your responsibility. We do encourage you to participate in the online social media space, but urge you to do so properly, exercising sound judgment and common sense.
Remember that your local posts can have global significance. The way that you answer an online question might be accurate in some parts of the world, but inaccurate (or even illegal) in others. keep that “world view” in mind.
The opinions expressed on this site are the personal opinions of the original author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of any company, organization or association. The content is not meant to be an endorsement or representation by any other party or of advertisers on the Carry On Friends website.
The content on this site is owned by Carry On Friends. You can share our content under the following guidelines:
We do not permit re-posting of any post in their entirety. You can copy only one paragraph (or 200 words or less) of our work to place on another site. You must always give credit to Carry On Friends and link back to our original post.
You must get expressed written permission to use content for commercial purposes whether in print or digital versions of our content.
You must get expressed written permission to alter, transform or build upon our work.
Pictures, music and other media found on this site is use strictly for promotional use only. All quoted material is credited to its original source. Carry On Friends does not claim ownership of photos or any copyrighted material which belong to their respective owners.
If you are the copyright holder of anything used on this site which you would like to he removed, please email
Carry on Friends – General Disclosure
Carry On Friends is a collaborative blog written by a group of individuals. The views and opinions expressed in this blog belong solely to the writers of each individual contributed post.
Carry On Friends accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
Please note that some of the links shared on this site are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. Please understand that I have experience with all of these companies, and I recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.
In all instances, where compensation have been received for advertising or sponsorship it will be labeled as such. However, all product, service claims or representations should be verified directly with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
Transparency is important and therefore to preserve our own trustworthiness and integrity, regardless of relation, financial, personal, political or otherwise, we will always give honest opinions, findings, beliefs and experiences on those products and services.
Amazon Affiliate Disclosure
Carry On Friends is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to or Affiliate Disclosure
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