Accountability is the Key to Achieving Your Goals

Do you want to achieve more of your goals? Do you want more growth and progress whether in your career or business goals? If you want to accomplish your goals and get them done faster, you cannot do them by yourself. You need accountability, whether in the form of a coach, mentor, peer group or a committed friend.

Home workouts vs. The Class (or Trainer)

I start and stop my home workouts routine all the time whether I am doing a routine via DVDs or workout print outs popular on Pinterest . I have a least 6 workout DVDs.  Why so many?  I wasn’t as successful with the last one, so when a newer, better one comes out, I buy it thinking that I will get different and better results. Starting on my own is fine because I am very motivated and as I’m doing the program I start to see some results. Over time though, that enthusiasm wanes or my schedule changes and I eventually stop.

Compare that to my kickboxing class, where the instructor is relentless. If I stop doing the push ups I hear him yelling to rest for 5 seconds but get back in it! Aaargh. Sweat is running down my face. I’m tired and my arms hurt, but  I look up and see the other people in the class pushing through those push ups. Even those folks you’ve sized up and think look weaker than you. It’s grueling and tiring but I get results faster.

You see, if I want to truly maximize that workout and get the results as promised, I can’t do it by myself. It is for this very reason being held accountable while you are working towards your goals will increase your chances of being successful compared to trying to do it one your own.

 accountability is the difference with people on a mountain

Accountability is the Difference

Accountability isn’t the newest craze, it’s been around for a long time through more traditional forms such as  a coach or mentor. The difference is, now many people (myself included) are seeing the benefits in exponential growth not only with the traditional coach or mentor, but also with peer groups and an accountability partner such as a committed friend or colleague.

Jullien Gordon whom, I heard speak for the first time at Blogging While Brown, has quickly become one of my favorite speakers. According to Jullien, “Accountability is the difference between goal setters and goal achievers. It’s one thing to set goals. It’s another thing to set them in motion”

His yearly New Year Guide, is a comprehension guide if you are serious about planning your professional and personal goals.

[Tweet “Accountability is the difference between goal setters and goal achievers. @julliengordon.”]

Being held accountable is especially important if you are a soloprenuer or entrepreneur or thinking of becoming one.

Find a partner to hold you accountable.
Develop this with another person who can hold you accountable for repeating this task on a regular basis and act as a sounding board and foil to critique your vision to make it as focused as possible.

I’ve had a standing meeting once a month with another CEO and this has worked wonders in terms of really identifying things that move the business ahead and get big, strategic things done, despite whatever crises and distractions that come along.


Peer Groups is another effective accountability method. Seth Godin recently declared that “Finding a peer group and working with them, intentionally and on a regular schedule, might be the single biggest boost your career can experience.” I discovered another article that suggested to do away with mentors all together and find a peer group instead. Ultimately what you decide depends on your preference. The overall theme here is there is strength in numbers.

Benefits of an Accountability partner

What to look for in an Accountability Partner

Vicky Ayala is an amazing coach. If you’re a soloprenuer or entrepreneur she’s a great coach for branding and strategy!  Her article on Accountability lists how to go about finding an accountability partner. Keys tips include:

1. Establish Boundaries

2. Set milestones

3. Be Honest

They may or may not be in your business or have similar personal goals but “they are in your shoes”.

My Accountability Story

Since July 2014, I have had a consistent accountability partner and I love it! Within the first week of meeting, an amazing thing began to happen – things that were taking me a long time to accomplish were getting done much quicker. I was more productive not because I was settings deadlines  for myself – I did those on my own. I was more productive because with the help of my accountability partner I wasn’t as overwhelmed with the all the tasks ahead of me. Together we mapped out things that needed to be done one week at a time. I had clear action items that were now being held accountable by someone else. Each week we had to report progress of commitments made the prior week. We shared ideas, gave honest, unbiased opinions and feedback.

This blog post couldn’t begin to describe or explain the many lessons and benefits from my experience. In our year-end review, we both marveled that our 5 months of accountability partnership was like an intensive fast track course. My accountability partner and I are excited about 2015 and all the possibilities. In fact I believe that accountability is so important that I’ve also joined Jullien Gordon’s Guaranteed Goals Group.

Your Turn

If you are going to be successful at achieving your goals, you need to be held accountable. An accountability partner, coach or group “can help you think through your strategy, or help you keep on track to achieve these goals by checking your status, being a source of encouragement.” 

Want to learn more about Accountability? Listen to our Podcast episode on Accountability.

What steps are you taking to be held more accountable for achieving your goals? Which accountability method will you try?




Kerry-Ann Reid-Brown is Founder & host of Carry On Friends one of the first podcasts dedicated to the Caribbean American Experience. She is leading the way for Caribbean Podcast as the founder of Breadfruit Media, the first Caribbean podcast production company; and founder of the Caribbean Podcast Directory a place to discover podcasts by people of Caribbean Heritage.