Career Focus with Triple The Focus
I recently wrote an article that was published in the Triple The Focus E-Magazine’s July/August 2015 Issue.
Triple the Focus is a Caribbean E-Magazine, with features that run the gamut from Music, Entertainment, Fitness, Beauty, Travel, Lifestyle and Finance, the Magazine has a reach that extends across the globe and includes countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, South and Central America and by large the Caribbean.
Below is an overview of the 5 Tips to Keep You Current with Your Career. I’ve also added a few resources to help you make your career a priority.
The 5 Tips:
1. Quarterly resume update;
2. Audit & Analysis;
3. Keep track of your accomplishments;
4. Join a Professional Association;
5. Invest in yourself.
Read more about these 5 Tips over at Triple The Focus
Packaging Yourself: The Targeted Resume (The Five O’Clock Club)
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Got other career tips to share? I’d love to see them in the comments below.