Dr Ken Irish Bramble on Carry On Friends for Flatbush Business Expo

Flatbush Business Expo Series with Dr. Irish-Bramble

This interview is the perfect capstone to the Flatbush Business Expo Interview Series.  The guest for this episode is Dr. Irish-Bramble. He is an Associate Professor at Medgar Evers College, as well as Executive Director of the Caribbean Research Center. 

The Caribbean Research Center provides a variety of services including research on topics related to the Caribbean immigrant experience in New York, book and journal publishing, youth internships and sustainable development projects. They also have a newsletter called The Caribbean American, along with a radio program. Interestingly, the Caribbean Research Center is home to the oldest special collection on Caribbean literature in New York City.

Dr. Irish-Bramble tells us more about the events that the Caribbean Research Center is planning for various groups within the Caribbean American community. One is an expo for entrepreneurs. The aim of this event would be to connect entrepreneurs to needed resources and provide support in areas such as finances and business plans. In addition, they plan to have an immigration forum to give access to reliable, reliable and helpful immigration information.

In this episode, he explains that the Caribbean American community does not have a central organizing group that can connect the community to other organizations such as the government. Due to this lack of leadership, he believes that we continue to miss out on opportunities such as grant funds for small businesses during the pandemic. Dr. Irish-Bramble and I discuss the urgent need for succession planning within organizations to allow for continued progress within our community.

We also talk about the need for more youth training programs and youth involvement in community work. Dr. Irish-Bramble shares that one of the focuses of the Caribbean Research Center is to implement structures to teach young people how to get involved. I emphasize the great need for meaningful programming not just for this generation, but also future generations so our impact doesn’t erode. 

Key Points

  • Kerry-Ann talks with Dr. Irish-Bramble, Executive Director of the Caribbean Research Center, at the Flatbush Business Expo.He shares the current and future initiatives of the Caribbean Research Center.
  • We discuss the lack of a central organizing group within the Caribbean American community that can give us greater access to opportunities and resources.
  • There is a need for more youth training programs and youth involvement in community work.

Mentioned in this episode

Caribbean Research Center

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Kerry-Ann Reid-Brown is Founder & host of Carry On Friends one of the first podcasts dedicated to the Caribbean American Experience. She is leading the way for Caribbean Podcast as the founder of Breadfruit Media, the first Caribbean podcast production company; and founder of the Caribbean Podcast Directory a place to discover podcasts by people of Caribbean Heritage.