Kerry Ann host of Carry On Friends

2022: Reflection & Gratitude

As we close the curtains on 2022, celebrate the holidays with our nearest and dearest – or remember those who are no longer here, I want to thank you the Carry On Friends Community of Friends.  Thank you for listening and engaging with me, your support means so much!

While reflecting on everything that’s happened in 2022 thus far, which particular episode stands out most for? What topics should take center stage next season? And what illustrious guests should grace us with their presence during 2023? As always: Let me know!

Also, Check out Voice Note Stories

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Kerry-Ann Reid-Brown is Founder & host of Carry On Friends one of the first podcasts dedicated to the Caribbean American Experience. She is leading the way for Caribbean Podcast as the founder of Breadfruit Media, the first Caribbean podcast production company; and founder of the Caribbean Podcast Directory a place to discover podcasts by people of Caribbean Heritage.