Episode COF 003: Self Discovery – Uncovering Who You Are to Gain Confidence
In this episode I discuss tools and strategies that will help you to discover yourself and gain confidence along the way.
You can only be good at being you. Don’t look at what everybody else is doing because that’s the surest way to ensure that you’re stuck. If you are going to be good a being you, you must uncover who you are by going through the process of self discovery.
Episode Recap
Self-Discovery is important whether you are trying to find your gift & purpose; define a personal brand; find a job or grow within existing company or industry; it’s important when setting and achieving your goals.
Spending time to learn about yourself, your values, unique attributes and skills you’ve learned along the way. Taking some time for reflection and introspection is all part of the process to uncover yourself which can help you gain confidence in yourself and give you clues to your abilities, talents, gifts or purpose.
Compliments Journal
In this journal you are writing down and tracking all compliments and nice things people say about you. This compliment bank comes in handy during times of self-doubt, and times when our inner critic is especially hard on us.
“When you falter in your dream, consulting a compliment book reminds you of the character traits that others notice about you. You have more strengths than you might realize you do.” ~ Write It Down, Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want And Getting It
Links mentioned
1. My article over TiffyTalks: 4 Simple Ways to Uncover Your Gifts & Purpose
2. Triple The Focus – Ladies Who Brunch
1. Clifton’s Strength Finder – This assessment focuses on discovering your natural talents. The assessment covers 34 different themes or talents. The results of the assessment offers guides on how you can build your personal strengths into your work.
2. Archetypes
3. 16Personalities – A free personality test that uses a similar classification as used in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
4. Myers- Briggs Type Indicator or the MBTI – World famous personality assessment.
5. Sally Hogshead’s book How the World Sees You: Discover Your Highest Value Through the Science of Fascination
has a great “How the World Sees You” assessment for everyone. Useful for entrepreneurs who are in the process of building their teams because it suggests the personalities that would help round out the team.
6. Career Leader – Great for Career Guidance. It’s designed to help you find your business skills, interests, and motivators and based on your results, Career Leader will define potential career paths.
7. Holland’s Self Directed Search – Another good assessment that based on the results suggests different career paths.
8. What Color is Your Parachute – Career focused assessment.
“A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.” ~Melinda Gates
“One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” ~ Arthur Ashe
“Start where you are with what you have, knowing that what you have is plenty enough.” ~ Booker T. Washington
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