Facing Your Fears
Fear is a normal human reaction but not a welcomed one.
What ever it is that you fear here’s some resources to help you face your fears.
Fear of Failure
We know that Fear of Failure is Holding Us Back and that’s because we want to have our dreams come true without as little rejection and road block as possible. In short – we don’t want to be vulnerable.
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. –Les Brown
— John C Maxwell (@JohnCMaxwell) April 12, 2014
Fear of Success
There’s those who also have a Fear of Success – myself included. However, I recently learned that Fear of Success is A Myth and it’s still just fear of failure.
If we want to live our dreams, we must give up our conscious & unconscious fears about our dream, if we don’t we will only live our fears!LB
— Les Brown (@MRLESBROWN) August 30, 2009
Fear of Being Judged
Although most of us won’t readily admit this, we also have a fear of being judged.
What to do with all these Fears?
Face them! Easier said than do right? But who said anything good comes easy…ok ok another cliché but isn’t it true?
1. Know your fears.
2. Face your fears by writing a letter to your fear. I believe writing is therapeutic and trying this approach might allow you to put on paper what you may not have the courage to say to someone else.
3. Master your fear with these 6 tips and awesome quotes to motivate you:
4. Go out and be great with these ten steps to overcoming fear and doing something big.