Keadian Russ Klean n Jiffy KSol on Carry On Friends the Caribbean American Podcast

Flatbush Business Expo Series with Keadian Russ

Today’s episode of Carry On Friends kicks off a series of chats I had with entrepreneurs at the Flatbush Business Expo.

Joining us on this episode is Jamaican-born Keadian Russ, the owner of Klean n’ Jiffy. Her company was established in 2018 and they offer commercial and residential cleaning, along with a cleaning product line named K-Sol.

Keadian tells us how the pandemic brought forth the idea that allowed her to bottle her own
chemical-free, non-toxic cleaning products. This new venture makes her company one of the only black-owned cleaning product lines in the United States.

K-Sol products can be found through her website and on Amazon, and she has hopes of getting into large scale wholesaling in the near future. Of all her products, she says that the Mango Coconut scent has been a huge hit with her Caribbean audience.

Keadian has garnered significant interest and success in recent years. She won awards from National Grid and Spectrum, as well as mentorships through Chase Bank and the Dale Caldwell Foundation. Klean n’ Jiffy also supplies one of the largest school districts in New Jersey with her products, and has even gained celebrity attention and opportunities. You can check out the K-Sol ad here.

During our conversation she explained the difficulties in migrating from Jamaica. She moved from Jamaica because saw an opportunity, which she has since taken and expanded upon. Despite now living in America, she is still patriotic and not afraid to show up as Jamaican. And though she faces challenges such as racism and other forms of prejudice, she doesn’t let her struggles define her.

Throughout this episode Keadian gives advice to entrepreneurs. She encourages us to look at the long term and put everything we have into our business. By taking advantage of social media, we too can obtain business opportunities. According to her, we should not try to do too much at once otherwise we would become overwhelmed, but she emphasizes that we cannot afford to shrink back.


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Kerry-Ann Reid-Brown is Founder & host of Carry On Friends one of the first podcasts dedicated to the Caribbean American Experience. She is leading the way for Caribbean Podcast as the founder of Breadfruit Media, the first Caribbean podcast production company; and founder of the Caribbean Podcast Directory a place to discover podcasts by people of Caribbean Heritage.