Kerry-Ann Reid-Brown bussoutyear

How to Achieve a #Bussoutyear

What is a #Bussoutyear?

When we say #bussoutyear it means to intentionally step out with confidence into your purpose, achieve greatness and shine. Many of us are frustrated with where we are and the speed of our accomplishments. Yet, we are still playing small in our comfort zone, only pushing the limits just a little.

Last year I decided to get out of my comfort zone and the result was beyond my expectation – take a look at some of my evidence on Twitter and Instagram. So for 2017, I’m putting more power and intention behind having a bigger #bussoutyear.


A #bussoutyear is not easy but it’s doable.

Here’s how to start:

1. Clear & Compelling

Be intentional about wanting a #bussoutyear. This means you need a clear and compelling reason to want a #bussoutyear. This is your authentic why. The number 1 reason goals don’t get accomplished is because the purpose, the why is not clear or compelling enough.


  • Take action. The easiest thing that you can do now that takes you once step closer. Ideally this is a small or big step that leads to a domino effect.


  • Get Accountability. You’re more likely to have a #bussoutyear, if others are holding you accountable to getting out your comfort zone or achieving what it is that you are intentional about doing.

4.Celebrate & Reflect

  • It’s important to celebrate your achievements big or small. But it’s also important to take time, reflect and take a break before continuing on your journey.

5.Pause & Reflect

  • If you feel like there’s nothing to celebrate yet, don’t be hard on yourself. Take a break, reflect to decide your approach for moving forward. One of my favorite book is the Alchemist, if you haven’t read it yet – you should! One of the principles I learned in the Alchemist that I’d like to share is, the moment we seek to achieve our goals and dreams, life put unexpected obstacles in our way to test how bad we truly want it. So if a #bussoutyear moment is delayed don’t lose heart it’s on its way.


  • Set another intention or goal and repeat the process.


how to achieve a #bussoutyear infographic


Other Resources

  1. 4 Steps To Setting and Achieving Goals 
  2. 4 Simple Ways to Uncover Your Gifts
  3. 3 Amazingly Practical Ways To Get Unstuck…
  4. Self Discovery – Uncovering Who You Are to Gain Confidence

Your Turn

Capture your #bussoutyear achievements and share them with us. We want to celebrate You!! Tag us on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and use the hashtag to be featured and celebrated.


Kerry-Ann Reid-Brown is Founder & host of Carry On Friends one of the first podcasts dedicated to the Caribbean American Experience. She is leading the way for Caribbean Podcast as the founder of Breadfruit Media, the first Caribbean podcast production company; and founder of the Caribbean Podcast Directory a place to discover podcasts by people of Caribbean Heritage.